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Saturday 10 May 2014

Go Paragliding

Two of my biggest fears are heights and deep water so, when I went to visit my mate in Perth it seemed like a good idea to tackle both of these fears numerous times over the 3 week period.
We had already done the one where you sit in a rubber ring and get pulled along the Swan River by a speedboat and we had sat in a cage attached to industrial rubber bands and been thrown into the air, we had also gone for a trip down the coast of Western Australia in a helicopter. Each of these were quite adrenaline fuelled activities for me as they tackled one of my biggest fears but Ian still had another trick up his sleeve. For this I would need to dig deep and tackle both my fear of heights and my phobia of deep water.
I had seen loads of people Paragliding in the past and it was always one of those activities that looked like a fun thing for other people to do, I had never for one minute considered having a go at it myself, Yet Somehow I found myself on the back of a boat wearing a harness and being winched out on a line as a parachute lifted me up in the air.
The initial adrenaline kick kept me going for a little while as I was lifted higher and higher and I remember thinking that I should actually feel more scared than I did. Even looking down at the boat didn’t make me the slightest bit anxious. It was such a strange feeling. There was very little sound reaching me at this height so it felt totally peaceful. I looked down and could not comprehend that the thing beneath me, that looked to be about the size of a mobile phone, was the boat that I was attached to and was the vessel that was responsible for keeping my at my current altitude. The parachute is only kept in the air by the movement of the boat and while the boat was moving I was happy to take in the views of the city and the other boats on the water. After a while though I started to get a little bored and that was when it happened - The boat started to slow down and the parachute started to succumb to gravity.
I wasn’t bothered about this though, I was only falling slowly and I was confident that they were just going to winch me back onto the boat. As I got lower and lower I could see my mate on the boat. He was chatting to the guy who was in charge of the boat and they were laughing. I had a bad feeling about this and I was not just being paranoid. I was getting lower and lower and there was no sign of me getting any closer to the boat. They were still moving but they were slowing right down and the slower they went the faster I fell until I could see the water right beneath me. Surely they would do something soon?
Next thing I knew I had wet feet, then I felt the pull of the boat. I had actually gone waist deep into the water before the boat had lifted me up. In all I was dunked 2 or 3 times before they brought me back in but it was quite an invigorating feeling. Plus it was my mates turn next so I had the chance to laugh at him. If anything I got off quite lightly as when he emerged from the water he was soaked from head to toe.

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